We are delighted to introduce you to Leo Tam who is currently the Consultant in the PSG team within the Asia Pacific region for Yardi. He has been working on system implementation for close to 3 years.
Prior to joining Yardi, he was involved in Retail, Project (Building) and Workflow management in his previous company. Before joining the real estate industry, He was working in hotels that relied heavily on Project Management Systems. He loves the challenges in switching from a user to system consultant (note from Leo: I simply couldn’t imagine that happening to me at that time!).
Let’s get to know him better.

What’s your job title and what do you like most about your job?
I am a Consultant in the Professional Service Group (APAC). I love understanding users’ requirements and providing solutions with the industry’s best practices in mind. System implementation is a mutual growth process – the clients get the system that suits their needs, the consultants gets invaluable experience for the future projects.
What’s your favourite Yardi product and why?
Deal Manager. As a one-stop platform for Lead > Deal > Lease, it streamlines the whole cycle and saves resources for other critical tasks. It also provides lots of critical information and performance matrix. In a time where data is power, the management can then make sound decisions that are backed by data retrieved in Deal Manager.
What do you love most about the real estate industry?
It’s the people in the industry. Intelligent and determined. I love working around these people and it reminds me that I have to stay competitive and informed.
Top tip for keeping clients happy?
Sympathy and be understanding to their needs. Relationships are so important that it can make or break a project.
What is your favourite piece of technology and why?
It’s machine learning. When I was small, there was a saying that the GO’s rules are so difficult for computers to understand. Along came ‘AlphaGo’. I am truly amazed on how quick it evolves and I’m always looking forward to the next “big” application in other fields!
(Editor’s Note: AlphaGo is the first computer programme to defeat a chess world champion!)
What do you love to do when you’re not working?
Running. I do a 10+km run every other day. There is a sense of freedom in running and being in tune with your senses.
If you could travel anywhere right now, where would you go?
Arctic, Antarctica, Madagascar, Bolivia, Vanuatu, Fiji, Bhutan, Mongolia. I can go on and on, but the rule of thumb is away from big cities.
If you were a superhero, what would be your superpower? And where would you use it?
Time manipulation. I’ve always wondered what will happen if I could have 48 hours a day. Time to pick up some new hobbies!
What could you not do without in your life?
Me time. Everybody should spend some time with themselves every now and then. A good way to understand yourself more!
What’s your favourite thing to eat?
Sashimi-grade scallop. A touch of salt and pepper, slightly seared on both sides so that it is crispy on the outside and juicy & tender in the inside. It should be criminal to not love this!