Register now! Asia Client Workshops Q3


Offered on-line and in-person at our Singapore office, these free training opportunities are designed to help you dive deep into new and existing product functionality.

8 November 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Transactions Logging Best Practices (AR)

This session will highlight various transaction types in AR and the Do’s and the Don’ts associated with them. it is also meant to help clients understand scenarios and when / how to use credit adjustments, transaction reversals, apply credits, quick overpay clearances, quick charge clearances and quick charges.

On the receipting side, it aims to update clients around the tricks of using “fill” button to quickly populate the outstanding charge grid on receipts and understand quick way of creating receipts by way of summary receipts.

To register to attend in person or online, head to client central

22 November 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Reporting in Voyager

Learn how to create key performance indicator (KPI) reports for leasing operations, asset management, budgeting, performance measurement, and cash flow.

To register to attend in person or online, head to client central

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